5 Productivity Tools & Apps You Need In Your Life

5 Productivity Tools & Apps You Need In Your Life

2016-08-11 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | focus,productivity

We’ve all been there. The to-do list has turned into a novel, and it feels like there’s no end in sight. If only you had been more productive when the to-do list felt more manageable. It’s not your fault, though. Life happens, and sometimes the days we plan on being most productive get completely derailed.If you’re sick of being too nervous to check your email because you know it will only add 10 more items to your to-do list, you need to start using some productivity tools.

We’ve researched the best productivity tools and apps and are confident that if you starting using any one of these 5 things, you’ll immediately see your productivity skyrocket!

Rescue Time

Are you someone that gets distracted easily? Do you find yourself doing something completely non work-related, but you’re not exactly sure how you got there? If that sums you up, you need work-life balance savior Rescue Time.

Rescue Time is an app that runs in the background of your computer and tracks how you spend your time throughout the day. It then generates a report to show you an accurate picture of your day so you can figure out where those time sucks are, and how you can avoid them.

1-3-5 List

Would you describe yourself as goal-oriented? If so, 1-3-5 List is the perfect app for you.

1-3-5 List has you break down your to-do list into “1 Big Thing”, “3 Medium Things”, and “5 Small Things”. Simplifying your to-do list this way helps you prioritize your goals, making it easy to accomplish all 9 tasks.

You can break down each day into your 1-3-5 Things, but you can also keep other lists inside the app as well so you aren’t keeping to-do lists in too many places.

Still need help staying focused? Check out these 3 tips on beating distractions at work.


Do you work on a team? While being able to rely on group members for help and support is nice, it can be frustrating when you don’t know who has accomplished what, and what is left to be done. If you’ve been looking for a simple way to keep your team organized, you might want to check out Asana.

Asana allows you to create projects and assign to-dos to individuals within the projects. You can also have discussions inside the platform in order to make sure everyone is up to date. Teams work better when everyone is on the same page, Asana can help you do that.


If you’re afraid of your overflowing inbox, SaneBox could quite literally help you stay sane.

The email organizer watches your email activity to learn what emails are important to you and filters whatever doesn’t fall under that category into the SaneLater inbox. No more distractions from emails that could wait for later.

QuickBooks Invoiving

Invoicing can take a lot of time.  Until now.  QuickBooks Invoicing can pump up your productivity by putting your payments on autopilotWith QuickBooks, you are able to create and track invoices from anywhere with their apps for mobile phone and tablet, customize invoices, schedule recurring payments and track payments in real-time. 


If you’re ready to kick your productivity into high-gear, it’s time to download one of these productivity tools. Trust us, your to-do list will thank you!

