Avoid These 3 Mistakes When Building a Brand

Avoid These 3 Mistakes When Building a Brand

2017-10-12 08:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | building your brand

Building a brand is not an easy task. It takes a lot of skill, hard work and passion – luckily, those are all skills that you have in spades! But even if you’re the most kickass girlboss in the world, making branding decisions can feel a little overwhelming. Here are the top 3 mistakes that small business owners make when building a brand – and, more importantly, how you can avoid them.

The 3 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Building a Brand

Mistake #1: Not Caring Enough About Visuals

You’re a woman on a mission. And that mission (probably) doesn’t include making things look pretty. Many entrepreneurs get so caught up in the purpose of their business that, when it comes time to start building a brand, they completely discount the importance of their brand’s visual image. But a visual identity is critical to the success of your company’s brand. Not only does it enhance recall for your customers (so that they actually remember who you are), a good visual will further your brand’s personality, your company’s mission and serve as a trusted extension of the excellent customer service and good vibes that you’ve spent so long cultivating.

Your brand is your business’s story. Make sure you’re telling it right with these 3 steps.

Mistake #2: Failing to Focus

You know that your business is the cream of the crop. You’re doing all kinds of exciting things and smashing expectations everywhere you turn. With so much happening, it can be difficult to narrow down your focus when building a brand. While your loyal customers will no doubt care about everything you’re doing to set yourself apart from the competition, a brand that tries to communicate too much risks not being able to communicate effectively at all. Avoid this branding mistake by thinking critically about what draws people to your product or service, and then make sure you can verbalize that in three or four words. That’s your focus.

Mistsake #3: Putting the Competition over the Customer

It’s a dog eat dog world, and it’s easy to get caught up in what your competition is doing. A word to the wise: don’t waste your breath. When you’re building a brand, the number one mistake you can make is being competition oriented. You have loyal customers who love you, and all you need to do is give them more of what they already love. We say: keep an eye on the competition, but don’t let their actions define how you build up your brand. In fact, whenever possible, seek to innovate and flip the game on its head. After all–you’re no follower, are you?

