3 Marketing Campaigns Whose Storytelling Will Inspire You

3 Marketing Campaigns Whose Storytelling Will Inspire You

2018-06-14 15:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | marketing tips

If content is king, storytelling is the queen. And we all know who really rules this castle, right? When it comes to marketing in 2018, crafting a compelling story is key to creating content that drives traffic, pushes your clients through the funnel, and ultimately closes deals. Need some inspiration to help you get a handle on storytelling in your marketing? Here are 3 companies who are doing it right.

3 Companies Who Nailed Storytelling in Their Marketing

One: Warby Parker Eyewear

Why it works: Warby Parker has done an excellent job positioning themselves as an affordable, stylish alternative to the traditional oligarchy that is the eyewear industry. Warby Parker invites its customers to simultaneously identify their pain point and join a movement, which is something of an eyewear revolution. In doing so, Warby Parker crafts an excellent, and compelling, story around its brand.

Two: SoulCycle’s Find Your Soul Campaign

Why it works: Have you been to a SoulCycle spin class before? The entire brand oozes great storytelling. The tribal, amped-up experience is pricey, and yet the classes have become a cult favorite across the country. The reason for this? The story! SoulCycle promises real motivation and a sense of belonging with their brand story. Their classes are more than a workout – they are an opportunity to come together to laugh, cry, and grow in a fitness class.

Three: Dollar Shave Club’s Great Shave for a Few Bucks

Why it works: Dollar Shave Club’s brand story offers an answer to a simple question: why are you paying for something that you don’t need? Dollar Shave Club’s Great Shave campaign sought to add a dose of reality to men’s grooming routines by letting them know that it was possible to have a baby-smooth shave without a hefty price tag.

Storytelling doesn’t have to be complicated. At the end of the day,  it’s just about positioning your product or service in a way that moves your customer base – and then creating excellent content, advertisements, and materials that reinforce the story of your brand. 
