Summer Reading: The #1 Book Every Small Business Owner Needs to Read

Summer Reading: The #1 Book Every Small Business Owner Needs to Read

2017-07-27 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | inspiration,small business

The sun is scorching here in Phoenix, which means it must finally be summer! If you’re anything like us, you’re alternating between nights curled up on the couch (and under the ceiling fan) and days lounging by the pool. Which also means it’s time to think about your summer reading list.Which should, of course, be made up of the following formula:

25% silly romance novels, 50% riveting crime stories, and 25% books that actually, you know, help you improve as a person and create the kind of life you want to be living.

If that last portion sounds like hard work, it doesn’t have to be. There are tons of great, entertaining books out there that will teach you a thing or two and keep you entertained while you work on your tan. Luckily for you, we have a book we’re absolutely crazy about, and it will definitely check off your “business goals” summer reading checkbox.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is the #1 summer reading book for small business owners

Ever questioned what it was that you were working towards? Wondered what motivates people to create the businesses they want to work for, and live the lives they’re dreaming of? Then Daniel H. Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, is the book you need to add to your summer reading list.

Drive provides small business owners with the insights they need to understand what is motivating them, their business, and their employees. Whether you’re a team of one or have been cultivating an awesome group of folks to work for you, this book will help you understand how to increase productivity, feel more satisfied with your work, and to simply just do things better.

Drive is a great book to read while you’re trying to pass those hot summer days. We’re sure it will inspire you to look at your small business as an opportunity for creativity and growth, and give you the tools to develop an outlook on life that will leave you deeply satisfied. You can purchase it on Amazon here.

Happy reading!